With the changes in cooking habits resulting from the pandemic, your new kitchen is going to get a lot of use. And that calls for more careful consideration when choosing your appliances. And your power sources.

The first big question: are your appliances running on gas right now? If so, you’re probably going to want to stick with gas. You won’t have to endure the expense of running an electric line through your kitchen. Your gas appliances are going to cost a lot more than electric, but in the long run, you’ll save on your monthly utility bill. And if you’re a cooking enthusiast, you’re no doubt seduced by the sight of TV chefs slamming down their skillets and cranking up the flame. There’s a reason they say: “now you’re cooking with gas!” Chefs have always turned to gas for its heating speed and pinpoint control. So yeah, gas is definitely the way to go if you’re an aspiring chef.

But there’s reason enough to consider electricity as an alternative. For one thing, clean-up on an electric range is way easier. You save time and elbow grease. But there are other more important advantages to electricity. For one thing, your kids and family won’t be exposed to toxic gas fumes or the potential danger of a gas leak. (Ever noticed how quickly BGE shows up when you report a suspected leak?)

And now there are hi-tech convection ranges that offer all the speed and control of gas. True, convection ranges cost more and only conduct heat through magnetic surfaces, so you’ll only be able to use your cast-iron or aluminum-based cookware. There’s a really simple way to test for compatibility. Simply run a magnet along the base of your cookware, and if it sticks, you’re in business.

Finally, if you’re concerned about climate change (and you’re running on solar), electricity is hands down a cleaner choice—cleaner for your kids, cleaner when you’re cleaning up, and cleaner for the planet.

Which one do we recommend? Whatever you consider best. And when you work with us, we’ll give you all the information you need to make an educated choice. But ultimately, the final choice is yours.